A Comparative Study to Assess The Effects of Common Optimization Methods of Improving Windcatcher’s Performance Using Computational Modelling
Journal Paper - Submitted
Nowadays, the use of wind-catcher has increased because of the essential requirement to conserve energy and reduce carbon footprint. Iranian traditional wind-catchers have been constructed to improve thermal comfort and natural ventilation inside buildings since a long time ago. The ancient transferred the way of its construction hand in hand based on the experiences of their ancestors. However, today, the technology advancement provides the opportunity to compare the air temperature in different forms of wind-catcher to enhance the performance. This study aims to present the ways of wind-catcher’s optimization to integrate it effectively into buildings in the hot and dry climate. Here, a wind-catcher was designed, which is matched with new constructions. Then, three significant factors that have a big impact on wind-catcher’s performance were assessed by computational simulation using CFD modelling. The factors include the number of openings, keeping the inner blade wet, and increasing the speed of airflow. The results show that a one-sided wind-catcher with wet internal walls and a fan installed inside the channel could be a useful alternative for modern buildings.

The Investigation of Form and Function of Specific Traditional and Modern Wind Catchers to Increase the Use of This Element in Today’s Buildings
Conference Paper - May2019
The wind catchers were used to provide buildings’ thermal comfort for many years. The need to optimize energy consumption and the necessity to protect the natural environment leads to increase the attention to green technology like the integration of wind catcher to the building. These days, some problems such as the construction of high-rise buildings, air contamination, and dense urban context affect the efficient use of windcatchers. It is essential to note that the use of windcatcher changes the architectural form and structure of the building, which should adapt to modern architecture and today’s style. This study analyzes both traditional and contemporary windcatchers to find wise solutions to promote the function of this cooling element. The results indicate that it could be revived in modern constructions if both details and role of traditional models understand deeply. Furthermore, some new complement elements should be integrated to improve efficiency. The original form and structure of the main body are preserved in modern samples, and the difference is in minor components.

The Evaluation of Effective Factors in the Construction of WindCatcher with the Purpose of Increasing WindCatcher’s Optimization to Join to Today’s Buildings
Conference Paper - Dec. 2016
Different forms of windcatchers were used as a means of supplying indoor airflow for cooling and ventilation purposes over centuries. Today, the considerable consumption of fossil fuel causes climate change and high energy costs. As a result, engineers and researchers should develop eco-friendly ways to reduce energy consumption and provide thermal comfort in buildings. This study aims to investigate practical factors with which the wind catcher’s function would optimize. Therefore, it leads to reducing cooling energy consumption. To be more precise, we could understand the windcatcher’s components and the way they work more accurately by examining these factors. Then, it is possible to benefit from them in today’s windcatcher’s design. In this paper, Different types of windcatchers were analyzed based on documents and library studies which could be an excellent way to design an efficient windcatcher in today’s building. The results show that the windcatcher could be integrated into structures to reduce buildings’ cooling load. Moreover, solutions for its optimal design were presented. It is anticipated that energy consumption will decrease by constructing wincatcher in buildings in the future.
